Saturday, January 30, 2010

Turn 1

Turn 1 EC
Both Rhinos move up and pop smoke launchers.

The Daemon Princes fly full distance, lash the Assault Squad 10" closer. The Obliterators fire lascannons at the Venerable Dreadnought and destroy it. The Obliterators on the other side shake the Crusader, the Land Raider and a Blast Master also shake the Crusader. The Daemon Princes then both charge the Assault Marines and kill them all.
Turn 1 BT
All vehicles move up. The Templar terminators disembark, and the Chaplain tosses a Holy Orb at the Daemon Princes, wounding each of them!!! The Land Speeder shoots the Rhino and misses (thanks to smoke launchers). The terminator squad then charges and kills the first Daemon Prince, losing 1 terminator in return.

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