Saturday, January 30, 2010


This Templar army has never beaten the Emperor's Children, but this time, came close. With more and more experience, I fear the Black Templar will grow stronger and stronger against my Chaos.

There were many game altering factors in the this game:
the hangar
the Holy Orbs
the objective placement

The first objective was placed behind the hangar, the next was place right across from it on the other side of the hangar. The game dominated one side of the board, and not the other. With 9 vehicles, this small space became very cluttered. The vehicles and the hangar blocked a lot of line of sight, which was a major disadvantage for the Noise Marines and Obliterators. For a full turn or two, there was little to no shooting by these units. The Holy Orbs were also very unexpected. Both Orbs did their job, took 1 wound from both Daemon Princes and killed 8 Noise Marines in one turn, superb.

Most Interesting- Terminator Chaplain
-2 Daemon Princes
-8 Noise Marines
-1 Obliterator
- and got killed himself

Most Boring- Sword Brethren
They came, they saw, they did nothing else.

The game was a tie. 1-1
Hopefully next time, they won't so lucky as to have a hangar to hide behind.

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