Saturday, January 30, 2010

Black Templar vs Emperor's Children

The game is pitched, capture and control, 2000 points. Jerry's Black Templar are itching to beat the Emperor's Children that have long harassed them. Both sides are desperate to capture the supplies on either side of the Imperial hangar.

1- Predator Annihilator
2- Venerable Dreadnought with Twin-Linked Lascannon
3- Assault Squad
4- Landspeed with Multi-Melta
5- Rhino with Marines and Emperor's Champion
6- Rhino with Marines and Marshall
7- 5 Marines with Missile Launcher
8- Land Raider Crusader with 5 Close-Combat Terminators and Terminator Chaplain

In Reserve is 5 Black Templar Sword Brethren

1- 2 Obliterators
2- 7 Sonic Noise Marines
3- Rhino with 7 Noise Marines and Champion with Doom Siren
4- Daemon Prince with Wings and Lash of Submission
5- Daemon Prince with Wings and Lash of Submission
6- 7 Sonic Noise Marines
7- 2 Obliterators
8- Rhino with 7 Noise Marines and Champion with Doom Siren
9- Land Raider with 5 Slaaneshi Terminators

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