Thursday, January 21, 2010

Converted Obliterators

My most recent project is my 4 Terminators converted into Obliterators. All it took was some spare special weapons from my Chaos Space Marine and Space Marine squad boxes (and of course some green stuff).

The flesh on the outside of their armor is green stuff roughed up by a tooth pick and cleverly painted. I just added pipes and guns where I saw fit.

One thing you should know about me, is that I'm a slow painter. Each Noise Marine takes an hour and a half to two hours. But these Obliterators, with some easy dry brushing took a mere 45 minutes to paint. They took an hour and a half to make however.

I wasn't entirely sure it was going to work until I tried it and hey!, I saved $20! and the burden of carrying around more metal models.

What do you think?


  1. Nice minis man, I really like that guy with the reaper autocannon

  2. Thanks! I call it the Reaper Plasma Cannon!
