Saturday, January 30, 2010


This Templar army has never beaten the Emperor's Children, but this time, came close. With more and more experience, I fear the Black Templar will grow stronger and stronger against my Chaos.

There were many game altering factors in the this game:
the hangar
the Holy Orbs
the objective placement

The first objective was placed behind the hangar, the next was place right across from it on the other side of the hangar. The game dominated one side of the board, and not the other. With 9 vehicles, this small space became very cluttered. The vehicles and the hangar blocked a lot of line of sight, which was a major disadvantage for the Noise Marines and Obliterators. For a full turn or two, there was little to no shooting by these units. The Holy Orbs were also very unexpected. Both Orbs did their job, took 1 wound from both Daemon Princes and killed 8 Noise Marines in one turn, superb.

Most Interesting- Terminator Chaplain
-2 Daemon Princes
-8 Noise Marines
-1 Obliterator
- and got killed himself

Most Boring- Sword Brethren
They came, they saw, they did nothing else.

The game was a tie. 1-1
Hopefully next time, they won't so lucky as to have a hangar to hide behind.

Turn 5

Turn 5 EC
The Land Raider moves to create a road block and instant kills the Emperor's Champion with a lascannon. While the Obliterators fire 2 twin-linked plasma guns at the Chaplain, whose companion falls. They were then forced to charge, taking 1 casualty before finally ending the Chaplain's onslaught.

On the other side of the hangar, things were dull, until the Predator decided to contest the objective. It was quickly destroyed by the Obliterators.

Turn 5 BT
The Land Raider is rapidly melted by a melta-gun. It explodes to clear a path, but

the game ends.

Turn 4

Turn 4 EC
The Obliterators picked off the Landspeeder with lascannons. The Land Raider backs up 6" behind the immobilized Rhino. The last 2 Noise Marines are ended.
Turn 4 BT
The Marines embark into their Rhino while the Champion and the Chaplain go after the Rhino and the Land Raider. The Rhino is destroyed by a melta-bomb.

Turn 3

Turn 3 EC
The other Noise Marines disembark from their now immobilized Rhino (thanks to the Missile Launcher), and Doom Siren 1 templar. The Land Raider's route was blocked halfway by the immobilized Rhino, but still let out the terminators who immobilized the Crusader. They then assaulted, shook the nearby Rhino, destroyed the Crusader, causing an explosion that killed 1 terminator. whew...

Turn 3 BT
The Templars roll in with everything else. The Land Speeder moved flat-out. The Templar Marines assaulted and destroyed the terminators. The Chaplain assaulted and killed 6 of 8 Noise Marines.

Turn 2

Turn 2 EC
The Noise Marines disembark, shoot and kill 1 terminator, the Daemon Prince enters battle to kill 1 terminator.
Turn 2 BT
The Emperor's Champion disembarks from his Rhino to toss another Holy Orb at the Noise Marines, all 8 are killed despite the fact the went to ground. The Daemon Prince is finished off in close combat.

Turn 1

Turn 1 EC
Both Rhinos move up and pop smoke launchers.

The Daemon Princes fly full distance, lash the Assault Squad 10" closer. The Obliterators fire lascannons at the Venerable Dreadnought and destroy it. The Obliterators on the other side shake the Crusader, the Land Raider and a Blast Master also shake the Crusader. The Daemon Princes then both charge the Assault Marines and kill them all.
Turn 1 BT
All vehicles move up. The Templar terminators disembark, and the Chaplain tosses a Holy Orb at the Daemon Princes, wounding each of them!!! The Land Speeder shoots the Rhino and misses (thanks to smoke launchers). The terminator squad then charges and kills the first Daemon Prince, losing 1 terminator in return.

Black Templar vs Emperor's Children

The game is pitched, capture and control, 2000 points. Jerry's Black Templar are itching to beat the Emperor's Children that have long harassed them. Both sides are desperate to capture the supplies on either side of the Imperial hangar.

1- Predator Annihilator
2- Venerable Dreadnought with Twin-Linked Lascannon
3- Assault Squad
4- Landspeed with Multi-Melta
5- Rhino with Marines and Emperor's Champion
6- Rhino with Marines and Marshall
7- 5 Marines with Missile Launcher
8- Land Raider Crusader with 5 Close-Combat Terminators and Terminator Chaplain

In Reserve is 5 Black Templar Sword Brethren

1- 2 Obliterators
2- 7 Sonic Noise Marines
3- Rhino with 7 Noise Marines and Champion with Doom Siren
4- Daemon Prince with Wings and Lash of Submission
5- Daemon Prince with Wings and Lash of Submission
6- 7 Sonic Noise Marines
7- 2 Obliterators
8- Rhino with 7 Noise Marines and Champion with Doom Siren
9- Land Raider with 5 Slaaneshi Terminators

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Converted Obliterators

My most recent project is my 4 Terminators converted into Obliterators. All it took was some spare special weapons from my Chaos Space Marine and Space Marine squad boxes (and of course some green stuff).

The flesh on the outside of their armor is green stuff roughed up by a tooth pick and cleverly painted. I just added pipes and guns where I saw fit.

One thing you should know about me, is that I'm a slow painter. Each Noise Marine takes an hour and a half to two hours. But these Obliterators, with some easy dry brushing took a mere 45 minutes to paint. They took an hour and a half to make however.

I wasn't entirely sure it was going to work until I tried it and hey!, I saved $20! and the burden of carrying around more metal models.

What do you think?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Dual Lash List

My army is currently at 1500 points. But it should be completed at 2000 by April for a tournament.

Yes I do the cheesy double-daemon-prince-lash list but actually, my army is quite fluffy. I see people with Khorne armies that make use of lash. What the heck is that?

I believe in competitive yet not ridiculous armies.

Whatever looks cool, whatever makes you happy with your army.

Why did I pick Emperor's Children?
-I happen to like pink.
-I hate when blast and template weapons only hit 1 or 2 guys, hence getting some lash mixed with doom sirens.
-I wanted to see the look on my friend's faces when I crush them with my new awesome pink pepto bismol marines.
-Finally there was a pack of pink dice that I needed to use for games, the pink chaos army was perfect for me.

My Emperor's Children

About me.

I'm from Minnesota and I play Warhammer 40k (Chaos Emperor's Children).
But I also used to play Warhammer Fantasy am interested in Hordes and Warmachine.
So I guess this blog will be for mainly tabletop war games. And hey, we can throw some D&D and Magic The Gathering in here too.

I'm interested in other people's gaming stories, battle reports, paint jobs, etc.
I'll be posting my own as well.

I roll 1s.

