Friday, July 8, 2011


And I already got 30 points of Protectorate of Menoth!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Where am I?

The past few months I've been playing a lot of Magic the Gathering. Only one tournament though, in which I went 2-2 with a Scars of Mirrodin deck I whipped up on the spot. Magic is so much fun and best of all you can play it any where. Hell they've got a MtG club here at my college. I don't have the time to join it though.

So with Magic, I usually play with Jerry, the same guy I played 40k with in the only battle report posted. He usually kicks my ass cause he puts a lot more time and effort ($$$) into it than I do. We both have loads of fun playing it though, it's like a drug.

He once said, "If I couldn't play nerdy games, I'd probably be a drug addict." As we'd have no other place to spend our money.

Any ways Magic is fun and all, but I'm hoping to get back into Warhammer (40k and fantasy) and D&D. All 4 of these are just amazingly fun games, I just wish we all had the time to play everyone of them to our heart's content.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bulking Up

Another 16 Skeleton Spearmen are finished!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

HXC Painting Day and Night and Day

Unboxing the TK battalion.
36 hours later, at least 25% is done.
The aftermath: Sleepiness, scaly fingers, and a messed up basement.

We're all tired.

Check out those TKs.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Starting Tomb Kings?

Should I? I've already bought chariots and came up with a color scheme. Green and orange.

Friday, April 2, 2010

My 2nd Daemon Prince!!!

A Chaos Lord converted with green stuff and metal gargoyle wings and mounted on a medium base to represent my second Daemon Prince.